Blue Monday Jam in Concert 2002
The big annual Blues Session at the LAGERHALLE Osnabrück, Germany
16. December 2002
Kai Strauss, Thomas Feldmann
Kai Strauss, Thomas Feldmann, Rainer Achterholt, Ernst-Udo Hartmann
Thomas Feldmann
Thomas Feldmann, Erst-Udo Hartmann, Rainer Achterholt
Wolfgang Hillmann
Tom Vieth
Jan Karow
Mischa Altenhöner
Ernst-Udo Hartmann
Doug Jay, Thomas Feldmann, Mirko Bartolcic, Christoph "Jimmy" Reiter
Christoph "Jimmy" Reiter
Christian Rannenberg
Erkan Özdemir
Erkan Özdemir, "Paris Slim" Frank Goldwasser
Andre Werkmeister
Carsten Schröer
Jürgen "Big Jay" Wieching, René Fauck
René Fauck, Gregor Hilden
Oliver "Papa Gee" Geselbracht, Moritz Fuhrhop
Michael van Merwyk, Todor "Toscho" Todorovic
Ulli Schlie
Gerd Gorke
Todor "Toscho" Todorovic
The LAGERHALLE celebrated its birthday and for one year now the weekly Osnabrück blues session has also taken place here. This was the reason to play a "Blue Monday jam in Concert" on stage in the "big hall". No one who managed to get in despite the overcrowding will ever forget this unique four-and-a-half-hour supersession.
Here you can open a photo album, where you can click through some selected color pictures.

A live recording of the fabulous Session in Concert. This benefit CD is available for 12.00 EUR (plus shipping) at the LAGERHALLE. The proceed goes to the LAGERHALLE children- and youth fund. Order now directly at the LAGERHALLE!
More pictures of the
Osnabrück Blues Sessions

... or also at the
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