Blue Monday Jam
Every Monday starting at 9:00 pm
Blues Session at the LAGERHALLE Osnabrück, Germany
21. Oct. 2002
Gregg Crockett, Tommy Schneller
21. Oct. 2002
Oliver "Olli Gee" Geselbracht, Gregg Crockett, Tommy Schneller
21. Oct. 2002
Memo Gonzalez
21. Oct. 2002
Gerd Gorke
21. Oct. 2002
Gerd Gorke
21. Oct. 2002
Rainer Achterholt
21. Oct. 2002
Andre Werkmeister, Christian Bleiming
21. Oct. 2002
Christian Bleiming
14. Oct. 2002
Angela Brown, Kai Strauss
14. Oct. 2002
Angela Brown
14. Oct. 2002
"Big Bones", Richie Arndt
14. Oct. 2002
Richie Arndt
14. Oct. 2002
Richie Arndt
14. Oct. 2002
Udo Bartsch, Tom Vieth
14. Oct. 2002
Udo Bartsch
14. Oct. 2002
Peter "Triple Pete" Stolze
14. Oct. 2002
Sebastian Koch
14. Oct. 2002
Burkhard Ellger
14. Oct. 2002
Martin Schmachtenberg
14. Oct. 2002
Henk Embsen, Nick
14. Oct. 2002
Tommy Schneller, Volker Goldmann, Nick
14. Oct. 2002
14. Oct. 2002
Volker Goldmann
14. Oct. 2002
Hans Dieter Mühre
14. Oct. 2002
Robin Göbel
14. Oct. 2002
Achim Göbel
14. Oct. 2002
Robin Göbel
14. Oct. 2002
N. N.
More pictures of the
Osnabrück Blues Sessions

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